Cherry Blossom Centennial Reception
On January 29, 2012, the Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles and the Huntington Botanical Gardens co-hosted an opening event for the Japan – U.S. Cherry Blossom Centennial.
As a feature for the reception, cherry blossom event organizers were invited to showcase their events with a table booth displaying posters, photos, flyers, etc. to inform reception attendees of their centennial events. LANSCA showcased their children’s cherry blossom art projects. Partnering with LANSCA, USC IGM Art Gallery represented their Young Professionals and Art Committees projects at their booth to explain their events, exhibits and accomplishments in the community surrounding the USC Health Sciences Campus.
Mayors and city officials hosting centennial events and cherry tree plantings were also invited.
The Huntington Botanical Gardens distributed cherry trees at the event, and at five distribution centers throughout the metro area.